Be An Advocate • Be Informed • Be Engaged

One the main objectives of the Legislative Program is to improve the lives of our veterans, service members and their families through advocacy. Your efforts, combined with nearly 1.5 million other VFW and Auxiliary members, can influence lawmakers whose decisions affect veterans and their families every day. Join the chorus of voices that will ring out in legislators’ offices this year.
Study the issues laid out clearly in the VFW Priority Goals. A copy can be found on the National website at vfwauxiliary.org by selecting "What We Do” then clicking on "Legislative.”
The Priority Goals reflect the resolutions passed by the VFW to strengthen and ensure an adequate VA system for millions of current and future veterans.
They call for much-needed attention to crises such as veteran homelessness and suicide. They request fully funding research on traumatic brain injuries, reducing the claims backlog, fighting veteran unemployment and improving timely transition assistance for veterans after leaving military service.
The goals are grouped under six areas of concern:
• Budget
• Health Care
• Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs
• Education, Employment and Transition Assistance
• Military Quality of Life
• National Security, Foreign Affairs and POW/MIA
These goals are released in January each year by the VFW. Be sure you check the VFW or Auxiliary websites for the current Priority Goals.
VFW Action Corps Weekly
It’s free and it’s full of news about what’s happening on Capitol Hill, with veteran and service member issues and with our national security. Subscribe at the National website at vfwauxiliary.org by selecting "What We Do” then clicking on "Legislative.” Contact your legislators: find out who’s who. To identify your congressional representatives, visit the VFW website at vfw.org/advocacy/grassroots-efforts.
Step by Step - A Bill
A Bill To follow the progress of a bill through the stages of the legislative process, visit congress.gov, where you may find a specific bill by its number or by a key word or phrase.
VFW in D.C.
One of the most crucial responsibilities of the VFW Washington, D.C. office is to actively lobby Congress and the administration on behalf of veterans. The office monitors all legislation affecting veterans and alerts VFW and Auxiliary members about key legislation under consideration.
By testifying at committee hearings and interacting with congressional members, the VFW played an instrumental role in nearly every piece of veterans’ legislation passed in the 20th Century, as well as bills developed in the 21st Century.
To contact the D.C. office:
Website: vfw.org/advocacy
Phone: 202-543-2239
200 Maryland Ave., N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002